Thursday, December 13, 2007

Learning 2.0: Assignment #11

I have a crush. A serious, new surprising crush. And it is on LibraryThing.

As with many of the tools being explored as part of this program, I'd heard of LibraryThing but didn't see much point in joining. How wrong I was -- it's books we're talking about here, and if more people are talking about books, that can only be a good thing!

(Remind me to offer my diatribe against the popular belief that books and all things hard copy print are dying. Another day.)

Populating your library isn't the only fun...urrrm...thing about LibraryThing. Looking at other folks' reviews, using the Book Suggestor (and UnSuggestor!) are super fun as well. I know I've barely scratched the iceberg on this website, which is terribly exciting. To boot, I think it will be fabulously useful for me when answering readers' advisory queries.

Here is a link to my catalog. Very heavy on the cookbooks right now, but those were the volumes I had to immediate hand. Well, that and I'm more than a bit mad about food and must keep up the girlish figure somehow!

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